Spinal Flow

Spinal Flow Gympie

Why would you need Spinal Flow?

Do you suffer from anxiety, stress or fatigue? Do you have neck pain, back pain, bulging discs, sciatica, sinus problems or headaches? Is sleeping a problem or do you suffer from asthma, allergies or breathing problems? Difficult birth? Indigestion?
Constipation, bladder infections, bloating, blood pressure, ear or throat infections?
Autism, ADHD or ADD? Have you suffered depression or physical trauma? Have you seen chiropractors, physios’, doctors, specialists! Are you an emotional wreck?
Is nothing working! Do you just need your symptoms to go away?
Then Spinal Flow may just be the answer you are looking for!
Spinal flow is a gentle and holistic modality that is designed to enhance your body’s natural ability to heal. It is incredibly fast and effective way to help people feel amazing in their bodies again. It’s great for children. Its non-evasive and quick.
Children heal much quicker than adults.

Spinal Flow Technique Gympie
Spinal Flow Technique
Spinal Flow
Gill Rodgers Spinal Flow therapist Gympie

How does Spinal Flow work?

The technique works by releasing blockages on your spinal cord thus enhancing the communication and integrity of your nervous system. The brain is the coordinator of your entire body signalling down the spine to the exiting nerves down spine, to the entire body, to organs, glands, muscles, right down to cells.
Spinal Flow technique is chiropractic based, but without any “cracking”, in fact it uses an extremely
light, gentle touch to points on the cranium, the coccyx and points on the feet to facilitate healing through the nervous system and cerebral spinal fluid in the spine to release layers of physical, emotional and chemical blockages the body has built up over its life time.
Spinal Flow can uncover stored trauma that has been there a long time causing disease and illness.
Finding these blockages that reside in the spine allows the person to feel and discard them so that it doesn’t continue to block them in life. Allowing more breath and ease into the body.
No ease equals dis-ease!

Book Your Session or a 15min Free Consult Today

If you know you would love a session book in, we are looking forward to seeing you. If you would like some more information on weither it is for you book your free chat today.


1234 Divi St. #1000 San Francisco, CA 33945


8am to 5pm


(255) 352-6258

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