Lymphatic Massage

by | Jan 24, 2025 | Body Therapy | 0 comments

Calendula officinalis flowers growing
Calendula balm, orgainc handmade
Calendula officinalis monograph, balm

Botanical Name: Calendula officinalis

Common Name: Calendula, Pot Marigold (2)

Plant Family: compositae/Asteraceae (2,3)

Parts used: Flowers (3)

Active Constituents:

Volatile oil, flavonoids, triterpenes(isoquercitrin, narcissin, rutin)(2)(4), mucilage (3)

Carotenoids, resins, chlorogenic acid, polysaccharides, minerals (iodine primarily in leaf)(4) 


 Immune stimulant, anti-protozoal, anti inflammatory, anti fungal, anti spasmodic, anti haemorrhage, anti histamine anti bacterial particularly against staphylococcus and streptococcus, anti emetic, anti cancer, antiseptic, styptic, haemostatic, diaphoretic, anthelmintic, oestrogenic activity(extract fron fresh flowers), menstrual regulator.(2)

Vulnerary, lymphagogue,alterative, astringent, bitter tonic, cholagogue, emmenagogue, immune tonic (4) 


Internal – following surgery, enlarged inflamed lymphatic glands,gastric/ duodenal ulcers, inflamed gallbladder, absent or painful menstruation, balanitis, rectum inflammation,gum disease, sebaceous cysts, measles (secondary to saffron, culpepper), pneumonia, vaginal thrush. (2)

External – Rapid epithelisation process in damaged skin tissue, especially tincture. Wounds where skin has broken, strings, chilblains, fistula, inflamed nails, chapped lips, wind burn, std discharge, teeth extractions (2) Bed sores, varicose veins, bruises, rashes, eczema, venous inflammation,venous congestion,(5)
Arteries and veins, heart diseases, warts (3)

Lymphatic & immune system, liver & gallbladder, digestive system (mucosal membrane), skin, female reproductive system (uterus) (4)

Tongue will be slightly puffy and swollen, which indicates an accumulation of fluids within the tissues (lymh stag) scalloped edges of tongue with papillae indicating lymph system and spleen stagnation and damp accumulation plus poor GI absorption. (4) (6)

Seasonal affective disorder, slight depression or melancholy. (4) 

Food intolerances, leaky gut syndrome, antibiotic trauma. (4)


Key Indications:

Specific Indication: Enlarged or inflammed lymphatic nodes.Sebaceous cysts. Duodenal Ulcer. Inflammatory skin lesions, acute or chronic. (7) 

Cautions & contraindications:

Caution when working with people of the pitta dosha type as it is drying and warming and pitta people and people with excess sun and mars in natal chart, tend to run hot and dry. Also if inflammation is due to heat calendula may not be the best herb to use(4)

Regarded as a relatively mild and safe plant. Avoided for internal use in pregnancy, external is acceptable (4)


Herb/Drug Interactions:



Internal and external use

Tincture 1:5 @70% alcohol

1-4 grams 3x daily (bart) 1 to 3 drops up to 5ml (4)

Poultice – handful florets to 1 pint boiling water, soak for 15min then apply to broken skin, reapply when dry. (bart)

Infusion2 tsp petals in a large mug of boiling water (3)

Oil – Steeping freshly dried petals in oil (sunflower oil) (3)(4)

Powder – 3 – 6 grams, doesn’t taste great so for compliance formulate with other pleasant tasting herbs. Contains a high amount of plant profile (4)

Succus – use as needed, flowers pressed into juice, use immediately or preserve in alcohol (4)


Historical Information/Traditions/Latest Research:

Tissue state is warming and drying so works in treating the Kapha dosha (4)

Known as the herb of the sun (3)

The rules this plant astrologically(4)

Ruling element – water (4)

Children afraid of the dark (6)


Clinical trials into the use of Calendula on women of reproductive age with the common Bacterial vaginosis has shown C. officinalis was effective in 1 week, for the treatment of BV in women of reproductive age, without any side effects. This herb could be recommended for women of reproductive age who are uncomfortable with the potential side effects of synthetic drugs. (8)




1.Wikimedia Commons, the free media repository, June 2015, Calendula officinalis, pot, August 2022, www.marigold.JPG,,_pot_marigold.JPG

 2:Thomas Bartram, Bartrams Encyclopedia of Herbal Medicine, Great Britain, Grace Publishers, Reprinted by Robinson Publishing Ltd in 2015

3:   Juliette de Bairacli Levy, The Illustrated Herbal Handbook For Everyone, 

   London, Faber and Faber Limited, 1991 revised edition

4: Sajah Popham, Materia Medica Monthly Volume 1 Calendula, August 2022,

5. Salvatore Battaglia, 1995, The complete guide to Aromatherapy, Brisbane, Perfect Potion, pg.228,229

6: Matthew Wood, David Ryan, The Earthwise Herbal Repertory, 2016,Berkeley California, North Atlantic books, 

7.British Herbal Medicine Association, British Herbal Pharmacopoeia, 5th ed. Bournemouth(UK);British Herbal Medicine Association;1983. Excerpt Compiled by Maxine Haigh-White 20/2/2015

8. Pazhohideh Z, Mohammadi S, Bahrami N, Mojab F, Abedi P, Maraghi E. The effect of Calendula officinalis versus metronidazole on bacterial vaginosis in women: A double-blind randomised controlled trial. J Adv Pharm Technol Res. 2018 Jan-Mar;9(1):15-19. doi: 10.4103/japtr.JAPTR_305_17. PMID: 29441319; PMCID: PMC5801581.



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